Month: June 2019

- Community
- Smart Wallet
What is the Pillar Payment Network?
How to make your cryptocurrency transactions instant, private & free.

- Community
Facebook launches a cryptocurrency and a wallet. Game over or… game on?
“If you have nothing to hide, there is no reason not to be transparent.”

- Community
Libra’s strength is its biggest weakness — Facebook.
The Facebook cryptocurrency rumour has been making the rounds for a while.

- Community
- Smart Wallet
Pillar Wallet is live — 6 months later
We made these prior to Pillar Wallet’s release and they are now 6 months old. It is a good moment to stop and contemplate all the numbers that sum up this period.

- Smart Wallet
Pillar Smart Wallet for Dummies Pt. III
Do you have a split spending personality?

- Smart Wallet
The Magic of the Pillar Payment Network
Discover our unique crypto payments solution.